- Location: Fraser High School
- Room: H11
- Start Date: Thursday 13th Feb, 2025.
- End Date: Thursday 3rd Apr, 2025.
- Time: 6.00-9.00.
- 8 Weeks.
- 24 hours per week.
*ENROLLING NOW FOR TERM 1, 2025- Starts Thursday 13th of February, 2025!*
This course is for learners who already have an understanding of Māori introduction rituals such
as mihi and pepeha. It is for learners who have the ability to share their pepeha with confidence
in class. It is also for learners who understand the diverse perspectives around how non-Māori
can engage in these practices. Learners are also expected to be able to discuss the places
where they were born and where they grew up. It is for learners who have the building blocks to
create active sentence structures in Te reo Māori.
Learners will introduce intensifiers to the active sentence structures that they will be practising
every week. We will look at imperatives, a/o categories and possesives in more detail. We will
also look at some different ways to express future possibilities and start learning how to build
passive sentence structures.
In every class, learners carry out a variety of activities that engage different senses and
encourage teamwork. We learn new vocabulary and sentence structures using a co-creation
process that relies on actions and gestures. How much new content we cover week to week will
be matched to the ability of those in class. There will be games, waiata and conversations about
how the topic content ties in with concepts of tikanga and Te Ao Māori. This class is for students
who are commited to building their skills in te reo Māori.
Poipoia te kakano kia puawai – Nurture the seed and it will blossom.
About your kaiako
Ko wai ahau?
Ko ngā pae maunga e tu nei
Ko Maungatautari te maunga tangata
Ko Maungākawa te maunga o ngā toanga
Ko ngā wai e tere nei
Ko Waikato, Ko Te Waihou
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngāti Hauā rāua ko Ruakawa ōku iwi
Ko Ngati Werewere rāua ko Ngāti Tukorohe ōku hapu
Ko Kai a te Mata, rātou ko Ruapeka, ko Te Taumata ōku Marae
Ko Pearl Hotene tōku ingoa
I love working with people to create learning experiences with Te reo Māori that are meaningful,
collaborative, and transformative. I'm here to build confidence in our learners to kōrero Māori. He
aha te kai ā te rangatira, he kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero.
Pearl Hotene
This course is supported by the TEC (Tertiary Education Commission) to assist with literacy, numeracy and wellbeing needs of students. You must attend 80% of the class. At the same time we hope you will learn other useful and interesting skills and have a lot of fun learning with us.